

Bella Kitchen & Home
4793 Point Fosdick Drive NW Suite #200, Gig Harbor WA 98335

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class image Iron Chef Craig Haslebacher... Sea Food! Respondents: 3
Score: 4.28

Denise Score: 4.66/5
The instructor was
5 - Very Entertaining
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful
Complexity of the recipes
3 - Average
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
5 - Very Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Lot"s of fun

Joy Score: 4.50/5
The instructor was
4 - Entertaining
The atmosphere was
4 - Fun
Complexity of the recipes
4 - Easy
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
5 - Very Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Lot"s of fun
Additional comments and observations

The instructor was: Great to hear about his experiences.

The atmosphere was: We really enjoyed talking with the other couples there.

Complexity of the recipes: The recipes were easy but did not look or taste that way. Great recipes to use to entertain. Make your friends think you slaved away.

The skills you learned were: I learned how to properly cut a mango. Can't tell you how many I have messed up.

Catherine Score: 3.66/5
The instructor was
4 - Entertaining
The atmosphere was
4 - Fun
Complexity of the recipes
2 - Complex
The food was
4 - Good
The skills you learned were
4 - Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
4 - Fun
Additional comments and observations

Complexity of the recipes: complex but very doable