

class image Kid's Cooking: Chocolate! Ages 10-15 Respondents: 2
Score: 4.90

Justin Score: 5/5
The Chef Instructor or Tour Guide was
5 - Entertaining, knowledgeable & informative
The quality of the food you made in class was (n/a for tour)
5 - Excellent
The overall atmosphere was
5 - Confidence building and Relaxed
The culinary skills and tips you learned were (n/a for tour)
5 - Very Useful, Can't wait to cook at home!
I enjoyed myself and the event was
5 - Lots of Fun
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
There shouldn't be a waiting list for classes. I didn't get a class I wanted because it was full. There should be more classes scheduled to accomdate all your guests,
What foods, menu items, other culinary classes or tours are you interested in?
Vegetarian with Cheese is a great idea, you should also do bbq, middle eastern, Mediterranean, salads, stews, high teas, tapas, French, New England style, holiday dinners like Christmas, Hanukah, Easter, Passover, etc... Also Bridal Shoer, Brunch etc...
Additional comments and observations
I think it's disgraceful that your Tavern Restaurant didn't offer a cheese plate for dessert or an appetizer. Every Vermont restaurant should have a Vermont Cheese plate available at all times!

Jessica Score: 4.80/5
The Chef Instructor or Tour Guide was
5 - Entertaining, knowledgeable & informative
The quality of the food you made in class was (n/a for tour)
5 - Excellent
The overall atmosphere was
4 - Fun and inviting
The culinary skills and tips you learned were (n/a for tour)
5 - Very Useful, Can't wait to cook at home!
I enjoyed myself and the event was
5 - Lots of Fun
Additional comments and observations
Thank you Brandi! The class was great. The girls had a blast and we very much enjoyed the treats!!