

class image Scents of Summer! Respondents: 1
Score: 5.00

Jane Score: 5/5
I enjoyed myself and the event was
5 - Lots of Fun
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
Can't think of a single thing that would improve my next visit. This class far exceeded my expectations.
Additional comments and observations
Can't say enough positive things about the cooking class experience. Had no idea what to expect, but it certainly wasn't the informative yet relaxed class time or the incredibly delicious meal. Our chef/instructor, Anthony Spine, was fantastic. He made us feel welcomed and was very knowledgeable without talking over our heads. I have recommened your classes to a number of friends.

Mary Score: 0/5
Additional comments and observations
Anthony and Brandy were awesome. Patient and great sense of humor. The group was perfect!!

Marla Score: 0/5
Additional comments and observations
Chef Anthony was very knowledgeable and easy going. The food was absolutely outstanding! Would love to come again.