

class image Vermont Apple Dinner Respondents: 1
Score: 5.00

Sally Score: 5/5
I enjoyed myself and the event was
5 - Lots of Fun
How can we improve your experience for your next visit?
The amount of food is always way more than I can eat in one sitting. As long as you provide something the take the rest home (which you do) I don't feel like I'm wasting it. Otherwise, it's a perfect evening. I'd recommend it (and have) to anyone.
What foods, menu items, other culinary classes or tours are you interested in?
Different types of crepes. Rosti. Meatballs. Class about appetizers. Class about soups. Class focused on a particular herb or spice.Class using various flavored vinegars and olive oils.
Additional comments and observations
I have a really small kitchen so it's a pleasure being in yours. I've taken several classes over the past few years and have enjoyed them all. The chefs are always really knowledgeable and fun. I really enjoy meeting other people in the class and having a meal with them and the atmosphere and music really adds to it.