Surfas Culinary District
3225 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018

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class image Thanksgiving Pies: Make, Bake, and Take (Costa Mesa) Respondents: 2
Score: 4.50

Donna Score: 5/5
The food was:
5 - The best I have had.
Is there a class or subject you would be interested in learning more about?
Love the chef and assistant. It was fun and the pies were a hit!
Additional comments and observations
Whoops wrong section. I gave taken several classes and this one was one of the best

Case Score: 4/5
The food was:
4 - Very good, I will make these recipes at home.
Is there a class or subject you would be interested in learning more about?
I enjoy making desserts so I am most interested in any dessert class.
Additional comments and observations
The instruction was superb. I signed up for my next class as soon as I got home and I am looking forward to it. I also very much appreciated how invested Stacey was in ensuring that each participant had "perfect" pies to take home. I don't think I have ever made a perfect anything, but she insisted that each and every one be exactly right as it was assembled and baked.